Tuesday, March 16, 2010

it's been a long time...

i almost forgot the password for my gmail...

well, you see?

i am not someone who is really familiar with gmail, i prefer yahoo more...
(no provocation in this sentence)

for quite sometimes, i have not open my blog...
kinda miss it...

let's see, what is the latest news about me?


yup, i got it...
for your information, i just came back from HKSBP...
well, it is something really prestigious for all SBP students around Malaysia...
(sort of...)

it was a nice experience, but seriously, i'm exhausted...
i went there to join the debate competition...
(yes,i am a DEBATER!!!)

well, i guess that's all for this time...
just don't wanna talk about all my losses...

gotta go...

this is it,SMS Sultan Mohammad Jiwa..
HKSBP Northern Zone 2010...
it sure brings a lot of memories to me...

i am so sorry as i can't afford yet to show some photos of me there...
will be in this blog as soon as possible...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

cause everything is never as it seems...

stuck by that catchy quotes..
well,i got it from a song that i heard before...

i know you wanna try it?!

life is just keeps getting harder..
sometimes, i feel lonely without friends..
but sometimes, i am the friend to the loneliness..
miss my ol' days..
those days without much problems..

"i like to make myself believe..
that planet Earth turns slowly..
it's hard to say that i'd rather stay awake while i'm asleep..
cause everything is never as it seems...
while i fall asleep....."

-owl city_fireflies

well guys,hope you enjoy yourselves..
as much as i do..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

holiday! or as it seems...

happy holiday,guys...
by now,i guess everyone is enjoying themselves...
for me,i have a job to do...
not really fun actually,but at least i can afford my expenses for this holiday...
by now,im working in a laundry shop...
you can come to visit if you like...
just kidding...
that's all from me...
the lunch time is over...
more important,i don't have a computer at my house...
can't help it,i guess i can't keep on blogging...

to my friends,sorry that i can't keep in touch with you guys...
i don't have much credit for my handphone...
real sorry,guys...

happy holiday!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

bloody hell?!

only a few more days left to finish the exam...
but seriously,it takes more than what i expected...

never have i stayed up for 3 days straight...
never have i eaten more than 10 packets of Nescafe a day...

yes, i am caffeine-addicted!

how i am looking forward for the end-year holidays...

anyway,check out some of my favourite spots in this cyber world...

if you are looking for some daily jokes, click here!

if you are looking for some strange facts, click here!

happy reading, everyone.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

busy all around...

by now,i was busy,seriously...
i got to study,since exam is already here...
such a tough paper,History is...
can't remember anything...

thanks,i mean many thanks to
BRO (a name that can't be told)
for all his creative ideas in essay writing for that paper...

by the way,still got time to check out many new things...
Time Well Wasted (TWW)


check out my myspace and facebook at rahman_kid1993@yahoo.com.my

i guess that's all for now...
enjoy yourself...
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